Archive for: ‘December 2019’

Happy New Year!

December 31, 2019 Posted by gornir


Happy New Year!

I wish you all my followers and readers a Happy New Year!

As many of you readers have noticed this year, is that I haven’t updated the website as frequently as usual and there is a tragic reason for that!

Suddenly and without warning! – My best friend and lovely beautiful wife since almost 28 years was diagnosed with cancer and passed away after only 53 days on 15th of July. Cecilia, known by her friends by the nickname “Sissi” died at the age of 45 and left a beautiful 14 year old daughter and me alone in this world. Sissi, we will always carry you in our hearts and love you forever and someday we will meet again. Rest in peace!

Cecilia  “Sissi”

23rd of December 1973 — 15th of July 2019


Luckily everything wasn’t bad news 2019. I’m happy to share you the great success Hulgich Audio has done during this year. We had several great reviews of our loudspeakers during the year and hopefully there will be new ones next year!

Thanks to Nicolas “Nick” Hulgich and his family for being such nice friends and all the support you have given me in such difficult times and that makes me even prouder of the latest award Hulgich Audio got from Soundstage! in the category “Exceptional Value”.

Congratulations Nick for your hard work and commitment in building the world’s best loudspeakers!

In the early 2020 I will publish a review of the Dayton DATSv3 measurement system and compare it to the DATSv2. Later on there will also be a new floor-stand 2-way loudspeaker published on the AudioExcite website.

There will also be some new and exciting new releases from Hulgich Audio. Have your eyes open, stay tuned and we see you next year!

Again, I wish you all a Happy New Hifi Year 2020!

Best regards

Author of the “AudioExcite Loudspeaker Design” website