New driver unit measurements!

December 28, 2011 Posted by gornir


I have released new driver unit measurements on the L12RCY/P used in the “Prestigious Two – Mini Monitor” loudspeaker.

“Prestigious Two – Mini Monitor” is a less expensive alternative to the “Excellence Two – Mini Monitor” design. The SEAS 4.5” mid-woofers used in these two designs are more alike than different from each other.

The L12RCY/P has 1-1.5dB higher sensitivity and the cone break-up occurs at a lower frequency, 9.2kHz instead of 10kHz for the W12CY001. The W12CY001 also has a bit lower distortion profile and a greater bass extension. Besides that they are very similar drivers.

Blue = L12RCY/P
Red= W12CY001

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